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Referring Providers

Thank you referring your patient to us! We are currently accepting new referrals and we will work closely with you to ensure your patient is consulted in a timely manner.
Patient Demographics: General Surgery provides medical services for patients ages 2 +.

Please include the following with your referral:

• Patient’s name, DOB, referral reason, Dx, ICD 10 code (if available), urgency level, the items outlined in the clinic referral checklist, and all available insurance information. If your patient needs to be seen within one week, don’t hesitate to contact our clinic directly.

• EHHC General Surgery Referral Checklist

Other Resources for Referring Providers:

• EHHC Referral Guide (all services)

How to become Privileged at Hilo Medical Center:

Please email for credentialing inquiries and to verify medical staff membership and provider privileges in the East Hawaii Region. For all other medical staff affairs, please email or contact Medical Staff Services at (808) 932-3176.

EMR Access for External Providers

For more information on how to obtain access, please view:
EMR Education Flyer
EHR Access Security Agreement

General Surgery

How can we help you?

Clinic Phone (808) 932-3940
Option 3
Fax (808) 935-0904
Address 1285 Waianuenue Ave,
Hilo, HI 96720
Referrals (808) 932-3940
Option 3, 2
Provider Line (808) 932-3940
Option 3, Option 1
Nurse Line (808) 932-3940
Option 3
Clinic Administrator (808) 932-3937

If you have an urgent request, please contact our clinic phone line directly. If you are a manager or provider and have a referral issue, please contact our Provider Outreach Specialist at (808) 640-2172

Contact Our Team

Physical Address:
1285 Waianunue Ave,
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
📞 (808) 932-3940 - Option #3
📠 (808) 935-0904
M-F 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
*except Federal and Hawai’i state holidays