General Surgery
How can we help you?
Clinic Phone | (808) 932-3940 Option 3 |
Fax | (808) 935-0904 |
Address | 1285 Waianuenue Ave, Hilo, HI 96720 |
Referrals | (808) 932-3940 Option 3, 2 |
Provider Line | (808) 932-3940 Option 3, Option 1 |
Nurse Line | (808) 932-3940 Option 3 |
Clinic Administrator | (808) 932-3937 |
If you have an urgent request, please contact our clinic phone line directly. If you are a manager or provider and have a referral issue, please contact our Provider Outreach Specialist at (808) 640-2172 |
Contact Our Team
Physical Address: 1285 Waianunue Ave, Hilo, Hawaii 96720 |
Phone: 📞 (808) 932-3940 - Option #3 Fax: 📠 (808) 935-0904 |
Hours: M-F 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM *except Federal and Hawai’i state holidays |